Construction & Building

Growing Your Own Vegetable Garden

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Having your own vegetable garden is a wonderful way of getting to spend some time outdoors apart from being able to pick your own fresh vegetables without having to spend money. You can grow delicious fruits and vegetables in your garden even if you don’t have much space to work with. There are alternatives such as using pots, containers or beds on the deck or porch that can help you achieve a simple vegetable plot. Here are some simple first steps you can take to get started.

Decide how you want to plant the vegetables

There are different options such as in the ground, raised beds or containers that you can choose from when planting vegetables. The option you choose must fit in with the space that you have and of course it has its own pros and cons so you must consider which option suits your requirement best. Growing your own vegetables requires a bit more consideration in terms of soil nutrients, sunlight and water drainage unlike landscaping your garden with flowers. If you have a large space and the soil is rich then planting in the ground is the best option. It will also let you grow large amounts.

Decide on the types of plants

The next step is to decide what type of vegetables you would like to grow. This once again depends on certain qualities of the soil and environment however you can make a list of vegetables. For example; beans, carrots, beetroots and certain herbs and considered to be easy to grow with minimal effort. It is important to plan out where your vegetables will be placed just like landscape gardeners Melbourne would do before they start working on a particular project. This will ensure that each vegetable plant has its own sufficient plot or space to thrive. If a certain herb requires only a little area, then allocate it accordingly while giving large rooted plants a much larger area.

Consider the consumption, effort and time

Growing your own vegetable garden also means taking responsibility to take care of the plants, at least till maturity. This means you need to understand how much time you are willing to put in to taking care of them every day. A large garden means that you will need to spend more time and effort in ensuring that all the plants are watered, maintained, soiled and looked after. It also means that you will have a larger turn out of vegetables. Make sure you take in to account the amount of vegetables you and your family will be eating per week off of the garden.